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Oils for various lubrication applications

These SKF lubricating oils are suitable for various lubrication applications. They include:

LFFG - Food compatible gear oil
 - Food compatible hydraulic oil
 - Food compatible chain oil 
LFFT 220 - Food compatible chain oil 
LHFP 150 - Food compatible chain oil 
LHHT 265 - Chain oil for most industrial applications with chains
LHMT 68 - Chain oil for most industrial applications with chains
LUB 200 - Biodegradable oil for metalworking

These SKF lubricating oils are suitable for various lubrication applications. They include: LFFG  - Food compatible gear oil LFFH  -... read more »
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Oils for various lubrication applications

These SKF lubricating oils are suitable for various lubrication applications. They include:

LFFG - Food compatible gear oil
 - Food compatible hydraulic oil
 - Food compatible chain oil 
LFFT 220 - Food compatible chain oil 
LHFP 150 - Food compatible chain oil 
LHHT 265 - Chain oil for most industrial applications with chains
LHMT 68 - Chain oil for most industrial applications with chains
LUB 200 - Biodegradable oil for metalworking
